Workstation Separators

Built to last and repurposable
Physical separators between workers enables production lines and open fabrication to remain at full speed, while creating a true and realistic barrier that will prevent virus spreading.

Temperature Screening

Instant results from non-invasive technology
Thermal testing is non-invasive and produces objective and instant results. Implementing a temperature screening procedure could very well be one of be simplest and most effective measures to adopt to mitigate the risk of an outbreak within a workplace.
Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

A Step Away To Safeguarding Personal Health
Our foot-activated sanitizer dispenser provides a simple hands-free solution that can move anywhere. The foot pedal eliminates the need to touch any surfaces without requiring a source of power. Say goodbye to batteries! The sleek and elegant stainless design provides the eases of sanitation and durability that last, while safely securing your sanitizer with the integrated anti-theft feature. The universal dispenser eliminates the need for an expensive proprietary source of sanitizer. With its adjustable holding container, it can adjust to accept different bottle sizes and manage the volume of sanitizer to dispense.